Idlewild Floral Co.

NEW! Petite Dried Flower Bouquet by Idlewild Floral Co.

The Candy Hearts Bouquet
The Farmhouse Bouquet
The Sweetheart Bouquet
Peaches & Cream Bouquet
The California Bouquet
The Rainbow Bouquet
The Lark Bouquet
The Citrine Bouquet
The Confetti Bouquet

Our dried bouquets are carefully arranged by our team of designers in our California studio, and are made of beautifully preserved long lasting flowers. Perfect paired with a bud vase or as a gift for any occasion. Each bouquet is 12"-14" long x 4"-6" wide.

Caring for dried flowers:

  • unwrap & choose to either leave the stems tied OR cut loose to fill out a vase, you may want to trim stems to fit your container.
  • keep out of direct sunlight & away from moisture
  • most dried flowers will last for years but expect brighter colors to fade over time
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